
Sponsor a Staff Member – Michelle

Michelle is a highly valued member of our Vanuatu Ministries Management Team. Her role includes the supervision of school accounting processes and spending, oversight of supplies and distribution (schools and community aid), meals and accommodation for overseas visiting teams, management of our main office, and senior consultant for our ministries in Vanuatu. Michelle is married to Maxie.

Will you partner with us by sponsoring Michelle’s important work?

Michelle is already part-sponsored! Help us complete Michelle’s ongoing sponsorship using the giving levels below.

$ 160

You have chosen to donate $160 monthly.

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Email instructions will be sent to you after you click 'Donate Now'. Please enter your donation amount and personal info before doing this.

Account Transfer donations are suitable if:

  • You don't have (or want) a PayPal account
  • You want 100% of your donation to go to Liberty (for PayPal donations, PayPal retains ~3% of each donation as merchant fee)


Donation Total: $160 Monthly