His Kingdom Came
The unwrapping of the glorious mystery of God’s kingdom began for humanity at the birth of Jesus. His kingdom came near to us that night. Peace and joy on the earth, the angels declared!
No Physical Form or Substance
God’s eternal kingdom has no physical form or substance, and yet it can be physically expressed. Its mystery is because it is spiritual, unable to be seen with human eyes. It’s quite like Jesus’ explanation to Nicodemus, the learned pharisee, about being born again (Jn 3:3&5-8): “Consider the wind blowing around you. You can hear its sound effects, but you can’t see it, touch it. You can’t fully explain its state and origin.” In the same way, what we see, feel and experience of God’s kingdom is the manifesting of its invisible, dynamic presence.
When we talk or think about the “kingdom of God”, our minds naturally go to places and spaces. We might think of particular groups, organisations and structures. For certain these can be powerfully expressing his kingdom. They are important because of their usefulness; they help us. But none of them describe the meaning of God’s glorious kingdom.
Jesus often spoke about the kingdom being “like” something. To explain its invisible mystery, he told parables that illustrate an aspect of its impact or the way it works. He never referred to it as something we could call “concrete”. God is spirit (Jn 4:24), and his kingdom is like him.
We have many terms and words in the English translations of the Scriptures that help to describe truths. “Household of faith” (Gal 6:10) makes us think of family and relationships. “Heirs together” (Eph 3:6) means shared benefits passed on. “Weapons of our warfare” (2 Cor 10:4) leads us to thinking about the fight. “Sons and daughters of God” (Gal 3:26) means we resemble him, “Body of Christ” (1 Cor 12:27) means we are living, breathing expressions of him, all parts being distinct and yet interdependent.
When we talk or think about the “kingdom of God”, our minds naturally go to places and spaces. We might think of particular groups, organisations and structures. For certain these can be powerfully expressing his kingdom. They are important because of their usefulness; they help us. But none of them describe the meaning of God’s glorious kingdom.
Jesus often spoke about the kingdom being “like” something. To explain its invisible mystery, he told parables that illustrate an aspect of its impact or the way it works. He never referred to it as something we could call “concrete”. God is spirit (Jn 4:24), and his kingdom is like him.
We have many terms and words in the English translations of the Scriptures that help to describe truths. “Household of faith” (Gal 6:10) makes us think of family and relationships. “Heirs together” (Eph 3:6) means shared benefits passed on. “Weapons of our warfare” (2 Cor 10:4) leads us to thinking about the fight. “Sons and daughters of God” (Gal 3:26) means we resemble him, “Body of Christ” (1 Cor 12:27) means we are living, breathing expressions of him, all parts being distinct and yet interdependent.
God’s Reign Happening
The term “kingdom of God” is about God’s authority and rulership happening. It is God’s power being at work (1 Cor 4:20). For us, it has a lot to do with the rule and dominion of God over the works of satan in the earth. Jesus talked about this through Mark ch. 4. Satan is the ruler of the “kingdom of the air” (Eph 2:2), but God’s rulership is over all.
The Holy Spirit at work in us and outworking through us is God’s kingdom being made known, here and now! He gives to us a realm of authority in his kingdom (Luke 22:29).
We are hosts and carriers of this invisible kingdom, because the God of the kingdom dwells in us. Wherever those who are “born again” go, the kingdom goes! This is what Jesus meant when he said the kingdom of God “has come near to you”, and “is with you and shall be in you”. (Luke 10:9&11, 21:20; John 8:23, 14:17, 17:6-19, 18:36).
Going about our daily life walking in the ways of our king shows that we are aligned with him and his kingdom. Every response of agreement towards him reveals that his kingdom is happening. As we dwell in him and he in us, we partake of and express some of the essence and heart of the spiritual kingdom.
This is personal. Your heart overflowing with the knowledge of your king reveals the presence of his invisible kingdom. Your acts of overcoming faith, love, mercy and compassion reveal it. Miracles and signs reveal it. The victory of your Christlike responses reveals it. Your desire for and dedication to fellowship and unity in his household because we are one in him just as Jesus and the father are one, expresses it (Jn 17:21). Your willingness to follow him and his truth regardless, reveals it.
The Holy Spirit at work in us and outworking through us is God’s kingdom being made known, here and now! He gives to us a realm of authority in his kingdom (Luke 22:29).
We are hosts and carriers of this invisible kingdom, because the God of the kingdom dwells in us. Wherever those who are “born again” go, the kingdom goes! This is what Jesus meant when he said the kingdom of God “has come near to you”, and “is with you and shall be in you”. (Luke 10:9&11, 21:20; John 8:23, 14:17, 17:6-19, 18:36).
Going about our daily life walking in the ways of our king shows that we are aligned with him and his kingdom. Every response of agreement towards him reveals that his kingdom is happening. As we dwell in him and he in us, we partake of and express some of the essence and heart of the spiritual kingdom.
This is personal. Your heart overflowing with the knowledge of your king reveals the presence of his invisible kingdom. Your acts of overcoming faith, love, mercy and compassion reveal it. Miracles and signs reveal it. The victory of your Christlike responses reveals it. Your desire for and dedication to fellowship and unity in his household because we are one in him just as Jesus and the father are one, expresses it (Jn 17:21). Your willingness to follow him and his truth regardless, reveals it.
We Continue His Hope
During Jesus’ time on earth, he brought the peace and joy of God’s kingdom to many. Now we, his sons and brothers and sisters, continue in this ever-present hope of his heart. And one day in the future, he and we together will fully restore peace and joy in our world. Then, his kingdom will not only be near to us, it will have fully come to us!
May his peace and joy be in your life and on the earth! We join with the heavenly angels in their declaration, this Christmas!
May his peace and joy be in your life and on the earth! We join with the heavenly angels in their declaration, this Christmas!
With love and blessings from the Liberty People team!